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Press Release
Global Oceans and the Center for Life in Extreme Environments (CLEE) Announce Launch of the Innerspace Deep Sea Initiative
Global Oceans and The Center for Life in Extreme Environments (CLEE) at Portland State University announce the launch of the Innerspace Deep Sea Initiative - an on-going international collaboration to explore and understand life that thrives in the abyssal deep sea and within the unique and harsh realms of extreme ocean environments.
Press Release
The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project and Global Oceans announce new partnership to map the world’s ocean floor
Global Oceans and the GEBCO-Seabed 2030 project have signed a strategic MOU to work together to further our understanding of ocean bathymetry and contribute to the global effort to produce the definitive map of the ocean floor, complementing the goals of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
Ocean Science Research
Deep Sea Ocean Research Exploration
ROV Towfish Ocean Research Vessel
Seamounts Ecosystem Biophysical Modeling Research
Arctic Ecosystem Survey ROV Climate
Atmospheric Measurement Ocean Tropical Climate